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Exploring the History of Jack Rabbit Trading Post

Are you ready to journey through time and discover the captivating story behind the iconic Jack Rabbit Trading Post? Join us as we delve into this beloved roadside attraction’s rich history, quirky anecdotes, and enduring legacy.


In the vast expanse of America’s highways, specific landmarks transcend their utilitarian purpose to become symbols of nostalgia, adventure, and the open road. One such cherished icon is the Jack Rabbit Trading Post. Its journey through time reflects the evolution of roadside attractions and the changing nature of travel itself.

The Birth of a Roadside Icon

The Jack Rabbit Trading Post is a historic roadside icon on Route 66 in Joseph City, Arizona, USA. It gained popularity as a quirky and memorable stop for travelers along the iconic Route 66, one of the original highways in the U.S. highway system. It played a significant role in American history and culture.

The story of the Jack Rabbit Trading Post’s birth dates back to the 1940s. It was founded by James Taylor, who saw an opportunity to capitalize on the growing popularity of road trips and the increasing traffic along Route 66. Taylor decided to use the image of a jackrabbit to attract passing travelers and offer them a unique shopping experience.

The trading post was designed to resemble a giant jackrabbit with large ears and a charmingly odd appearance. The main attraction was a massive jackrabbit statue that served as a roadside advertisement. The trading post offered a variety of souvenirs, Native American crafts, and other items that appealed to tourists.

One of the most famous aspects of the Jack Rabbit Trading Post was its clever advertising signs. As travelers approached the trading post, they would see a series of characters counting down the distance to the trading post with humorous slogans such as “Here It Is,” “There It Was,” and “It’s God.” These signs provided entertainment and built anticipation for the upcoming stop.

Over the years, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post became integral to Route 66’s history and lore. It was featured in various travel guides, postcards, and advertisements, making it a recognizable symbol of the Route 66 experience. The trading post continued attracting visitors drawn to its unique charm and quirky atmosphere.

While the heyday of Route 66 ended with the development of modern highways and transportation systems, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post still holds a special place in the hearts of those who appreciate the nostalgia and history associated with the iconic road trip route. It serves as a reminder of a bygone era when the open road represented adventure, discovery, and a sense of freedom.

Today, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post continues to welcome visitors who want to relive the magic of Route 66 and experience a piece of Americana that has stood the test of time.

A Symbol of the American Road Trip

The open road has always held a special place in the hearts of Americans, embodying a sense of freedom, adventure, and exploration. Along the vast stretches of highways and byways that crisscross the country, specific iconic landmarks have become synonymous with the American road trip experience. One such landmark is the Jack Rabbit Trading Post.

Located along the historic Route 66, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post is a nostalgic reminder of a bygone era when road trips were a quintessential part of American culture. Established in the 1940s, this roadside attraction has evolved from a simple trading post into a symbol of the spirit of travel and discovery.

At the heart of the Jack Rabbit Trading Post’s charm is its distinctive giant rabbit statue that greets travelers from afar. With its floppy ears and mischievous grin, this oversized and endearing sculpture has become an instantly recognizable symbol for all embarking on the cross-country journey. It’s not just a landmark; it’s a milestone that marks progress along the legendary Route 66.

Families, friends, and solo travelers have made it a tradition to stop at the Jack Rabbit Trading Post for generations. Whether for a quick photo op with the whimsical rabbit, a break from the road in its shaded rest area, or a chance to explore the curated selection of souvenirs and local crafts, the trading post has woven into the American road trip experience.

Beyond its material offerings, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post represents a sense of continuity in a constantly changing world. As highways have expanded, technologies have advanced, and travel has evolved, this roadside landmark remains a reminder of simpler times and the joy of the open road.

In an age where digital connectivity often reigns supreme, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post harkens back to when the journey was the destination. It invites travelers to slow down, detour from the fast-paced modern world, and appreciate the little things that make a road trip memorable.

As the wheels of progress continue to turn and new generations of travelers hit the road, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post stands as a timeless testament to the enduring allure of the American road trip. It reminds us that sometimes, the most meaningful adventures are found not at the end of the journey but along the way – in unexpected encounters, picturesque landscapes, and iconic landmarks like the cheerful giant rabbit that has watched over the highway for decades.

The Jack Rabbit’s Enduring Allure

The enduring allure of the jackrabbit can be attributed to several factors, including its distinctive appearance, behavior, and role in various cultural and natural contexts.

Distinctive Appearance: The jackrabbit’s unique appearance, characterized by its large ears, long legs, and relatively large size, sets it apart from other small mammals. Its appearance gives it a charm and curiosity that captures people’s attention.

Adaptations: Jackrabbits have evolved specific adaptations that contribute to their allure. Their long legs and powerful hindquarters allow them to run at high speeds, making them impressive and graceful runners. Their large ears serve both to cool their bodies and enhance their hearing, adding to their fascinating qualities.

Behavior: Jackrabbits exhibit exciting behaviors that intrigue observers. Their powerful leaps and zigzag running patterns, often used to evade predators, showcase their agility and quick reflexes. This behavior can be captivating to those who observe it in the wild.

Cultural Significance: In various cultures, jackrabbits hold symbolic and spiritual significance. They can represent fertility, agility, and the ability to overcome challenges due to their adaptive traits. Their presence in folklore, myths, and stories contributes to their mystique.

Ecosystem Role: Jackrabbits are essential in their ecosystems as prey and herbivores. Their presence supports the food chain by providing sustenance for predators, and their browsing behaviors can influence plant communities, contributing to the overall balance of the ecosystem.

Art and Literature: The jackrabbit’s captivating features have inspired artists, writers, and photographers. Its representation in various art forms, literature, and media has contributed to its enduring allure.

Wildlife Watching: For nature enthusiasts and photographers, observing jackrabbits in their natural habitat can be a thrilling experience. Their elusive nature and swift movements add an element of excitement to wildlife watching.

Conservation: In some regions, jackrabbits may face threats due to habitat loss or other environmental factors. Conservation efforts to protect these animals can enhance their allure by highlighting their unique characteristics and importance in maintaining healthy ecosystems.

In conclusion, the jackrabbit’s enduring allure can be attributed to its distinct appearance, captivating behavior, cultural significance, role in ecosystems, and representation in art and literature. Its ability to capture the imagination of people across different contexts has contributed to its lasting appeal.

The Art of Souvenir Trading

Beyond the billboard, the trading post perfected the art of souvenir trading. Route 66 travelers could acquire unique journey tokens, from kitschy souvenirs to handcrafted treasures. These souvenirs encapsulated the essence of exploration and served as tangible memories of the road less traveled.

The Jack Rabbit Trading Post is a historic roadside attraction along Route 66 in Joseph City, Arizona. Established in the 1940s, this trading post has become an iconic landmark that showcases the charm and nostalgia of the Route 66 era.

The trading post’s artistry lies in its unique architecture and eye-catching signage. The most notable feature is the giant jackrabbit sculpture, which stands proudly at the entrance. With its whimsical and exaggerated features, this oversized rabbit statue immediately captures the attention of passing travelers. Its scale and playfulness make it a popular photo spot and a symbol of the trading post.

The trading post’s signage is another artistic element contributing to its allure. The iconic “Here It Is” sign, displayed near the jackrabbit sculpture, became a legendary marker for travelers along Route 66. The simplicity of the message and the bold red letters against the desert landscape created a memorable visual that remains etched in the minds of many.

Beyond the physical structures, the art of the Jack Rabbit Trading Post is also reflected in the items it offers for sale. The trading post has historically sold a variety of southwestern and Native American crafts, souvenirs, and Route 66 memorabilia. These items reflect the regional culture and serve as artistic representations of the American Southwest.

Furthermore, the trading post’s role as a cultural landmark has allowed it to become a canvas for the personal expressions of travelers. Visitors often leave behind souvenirs, stickers, and messages, adding to the trading post’s eclectic and ever-evolving character. Leaving a mark becomes a form of participatory art, transforming the trading post into a living and breathing testament to the journeys of those who pass through.

From Route 66 to Digital Highways

With the rise of digital navigation and online commerce, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post faced new challenges. Yet, the spirit that led travelers off the beaten path for generations now led the trading post into the digital realm. An online presence expanded its reach, making it accessible to a new generation of adventurers.

The Jack Rabbit Trading Post, once an iconic stop along the historic Route 66, has successfully transitioned from the legendary highway to the digital streets of the modern era. This transition highlights the trading post’s adaptability and enduring appeal in a changing world.

Originally established as a roadside attraction in the mid-20th century, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post gained fame for its oversized jackrabbit sculpture and the famous “Here It Is” sign, beckoning travelers to take a break from their journeys and create lasting memories. However, with the decline of Route 66 as a major travel route, the trading post faced the challenge of maintaining its relevance.

Embracing the digital age, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post leveraged technology to reach a wider audience and reinvent its identity. Its presence on social media allowed it to share captivating images, stories, and updates with people worldwide. This digital outreach rekindled the trading post’s nostalgia among those who had visited in the past and introduced its charm to new generations of travelers and enthusiasts.

The trading post expanded its merchandise offerings to a global market through online platforms. People could now purchase unique Southwestern crafts, Route 66 memorabilia, and other items that could only be found in-store. This shift to e-commerce boosted sales and preserved the trading post’s artistic representation of regional culture.

Furthermore, the trading post’s digital presence facilitated storytelling. It shared the history of Route 66, the trading post’s significance, and the tales of travelers who had stopped there over the decades. These stories connected people from various backgrounds through a shared love for exploration, art, and the open road.

Jack Rabbit Trading Post: More Than a Pit Stop

The Jack Rabbit Trading Post stands as a testament to the notion that it’s more than just a pit stop along the road—it’s a destination that weaves together history, culture, and the spirit of adventure.

Nestled along the iconic Route 66, the trading post has long been a symbol of the American road trip experience. Its giant jackrabbit sculpture and the legendary “Here It Is” sign have lured travelers for generations, offering a respite from the journey and a chance to immerse themselves in the nostalgia of the open road.

However, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post goes beyond its role as a mere rest stop. It embodies the essence of exploration and discovery, inviting visitors to enter a world where the past meets the present. The trading post’s curated collection of Southwestern crafts, Route 66 memorabilia, and unique treasures reflects the region’s rich cultural tapestry.

Moreover, the trading post serves as a gateway to stories. It holds the memories of travelers who once paused there—stories of friendships forged, dreams pursued, and landscapes admired. The laughter, conversations, and shared moments are woven into the fabric of the trading post, creating an atmosphere that resonates with the echoes of countless journeys.

As the digital age dawned, the trading post adapted without losing its soul. Its online presence bridged the gap between eras, allowing it to engage with a global audience while staying true to its roots. The stories continued to flow, connecting people worldwide who shared a fascination for the open road and the art of exploration.

The Jack Rabbit Trading Post’s enduring allure lies in its physical presence and ability to kindle the flames of wanderlust. It’s a reminder that life is about more than just reaching a destination—it’s about embracing the journey, savoring the stories, and finding inspiration in the unexpected.

In conclusion, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post is a testament to the fact that it’s not just a pit stop; it’s a touchstone for the traveler’s soul. It embodies the art of adventure, the joy of discovery, and the timeless appeal of hitting the road with an open heart and an eager spirit.

Unveiling the Quirkiness: World’s Largest Jack Rabbit

In the heart of the American Southwest, a roadside attraction stands as a beacon of quirkiness and charm—the World’s Largest Jack Rabbit Trading Post. This iconic landmark, nestled along the historic Route 66, invites travelers to experience a world where larger-than-life artistry meets the spirit of adventure.

Dominating the landscape is the awe-inspiring giant jackrabbit sculpture that has captured the imaginations of generations. This colossal masterpiece is a testament to artistic ingenuity and a symbol of the boundless creativity that can be found on the open road. With its whimsical features and towering presence, the jackrabbit invites visitors to a realm where ordinary boundaries give way to extraordinary possibilities.

Adding to the allure is the renowned “Here It Is” sign—a phrase that transcends mere words and carries a sense of anticipation and discovery. This legendary sign serves as a gateway to a world of Southwestern treasures, Route 66 memorabilia, and eclectic finds that reflect the cultural mosaic of the region. Each item on display is a brushstroke on the canvas of the American road trip, telling stories of exploration, connection, and the joy of collecting memories along the way.

As the sun sets over the vast desert landscape, the World’s Largest Jack Rabbit Trading Post transforms into a realm of illuminated enchantment. The sculpture and the sign, bathed in the warm glow of lights, take on a new life, casting shadows that dance across the desert floor. It’s a spectacle that captures the essence of the open road—a journey filled with surprises, beauty, and the thrill of the unknown.

In a world increasingly dominated by digital experiences, the World’s Largest Jack Rabbit Trading Post remains a sanctuary of tangible authenticity. It invites travelers to step out of the virtual realm and into a space where the senses are engaged, where the laughter of fellow adventurers echoes, and where the magic of discovery is palpable.

Unveiling the quirkiness of the World’s Largest Jack Rabbit Trading Post is an invitation to celebrate the art of the unusual, the charm of the offbeat, and the enduring allure of the open road. It’s a reminder that the world is full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered and that sometimes, the most memorable journeys are the ones that lead us to places that embrace the wonderfully unconventional.


In a world where highways are often measured by efficiency, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post measures success by the smiles it evokes, the memories it creates, and the stories it inspires. This quirky landmark invites us to slow down, detour, and savor the journey. So, the next time you hit the road, remember that sometimes the best adventures begin with a giant jackrabbit and the promise of something extraordinary just around the bend.


Is the Jack Rabbit Trading Post still in operation today?

Yes, the Jack Rabbit Trading Post continues to welcome travelers and enthusiasts.

Can I purchase souvenirs from the Jack Rabbit Trading Post online?

Absolutely, the trading post offers an online store with a wide range of unique souvenirs.

Are pets welcome at the Jack Rabbit Trading Post?

While pets may not be allowed inside all areas, there are designated pet-friendly zones.

Is there an admission fee to visit the trading post?

Visiting the Jack Rabbit Trading Post is typically free, though some attractions or exhibits may have a nominal fee.

Can I learn more about the history of Route 66 at the trading post?

Yes, the trading post often features exhibits and information about Route 66's history as part of its commitment to preserving the past.

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